Hello World! At least that’s the text I believe your supposed to enter at the beginning of any new digital endeavor.

Welcome to my brand new blog, its hot of the press and was just created today! The goal of this blog is to document my journey learning to produce Electronic Dance Music (EDM) with the eventual goal of making headbanger music. This entire project is about learning something new and exploring new interests. I have almost zero musical knowledge, I tried to learn guitar in high school but never caught my stride or learned to play the type of music I was interested in at the time. So this is a fresh take on music for me and my hope is to catalogue my journey here so that anyone else who’d like to learn to produce EDM can follow along with my posts as an ad-hoc road map/curriculum, without the hours of research or high price tags. This blog will be a compilation of the websites, videos, and tutorials that I find helpful so hopefully you will too!

Just to reiterate: I have no idea what I’m doing, but hopefully by trying to learn, I can help someone else learn. So if you also have no idea what you’re doing, then feel free to come along on this journey with me.

-EDM Dreams